Red Eye Tek 12" Metallic Terminator Finish Radiation Tube Bong
THC: 0% | CBD: 0%
The next time someone tells you to get a grip, tell them you’re way ahead of them because you’ve got this robust water pipe firmly in your clutches thanks to its straight tube featuring 5 solid square marias.
<b>Product Features:</b>
- 100% borosilicate glass
- 5 solid square marias
- Straight tube
- Flat mouthpiece
- Signature diamond pull-out
- Clear polished joints
- For flower (mostly), trade the bowl for a banger to enjoy concentrates (we suggest the 14mm GEAR Premium® Quartz Male 45 Degree Banger)
<b>What's Included:</b>
1 x 12" Metallic Terminator Finish Radiation Tube
1 x 14mm Metallic Terminator Finish Pull-Out
1 x 115mm Metallic Terminator Finish Downstem